5 resources to unblocking your self-made limitations

This week has been amazingly enlightening for me. First, I wanted to let you know that I haven’t figured this all out yet, I’m still on my journey toward creating a balanced life, one in which I can work and live most of my days at my fullest.

These resources have been pure gold for me this week! They’ve enlightened me tremendously, and I’ve realized things about myself that I didn’t know before, just by opening myself up to change. All this material lives at a high vibration energy, and if you open your heart and mind to this, you may transcend to places that you’ve never even imagined. If you’re open to it, you’ll begin to notice immediate changes.

This week I’ve had two profound moments. In both moments, I was able to understand and unblock energy that wasn’t allowing me to progress over the last year, and as soon as I processed this I wanted to share it with you {{ subscriber.first_name }} because it’s just crazy how encouraging it’s been (I’m still processing the information myself).

My latest sources to unblock my energy

- This powerful video about How to Attract Abundance with energy clearing” by Christie Marie Sheldon. (I unblocked a wrong belief I had and began seeing results immediately).

- The “Do less” book by Kate Northrup. I’ve only read the introduction and it’s already shifted my mindset incredibly. 

- Feng Shui Principles. I never thought I’d believe in Feng Shui, but I realized it makes huge positive changes in your life, energy and wealth. This past week I made a loooot of changes around my home. Just by decluttering I’ve felt the huge changes I’ve been asking for.

- The Manifest Now Book by Idillionaire. I purchased the audiobook and it’s my go-to in the morning.

- This Daily Quotation from Abraham Hicks - These daily quotes… I’ve read only a few of them and wow, they’ve been the perfect complement to all the energy I’m moving in my life.

Maybe, you were waiting for this light from the universe, God, being, the source, or whatever you choose to name it, so here it is. Take a few minutes and check out the resource that resonates the most with you. All combined together, these resources have been an incredible deluxe combo for me :)

Xo, Rose


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